On the precipice of financial downfall, Lowen Ashleigh, a struggling writer, confronts a pivotal crossroads. She is presented with the opportunity of a lifetime when she agrees to a job proposition. Jeremy Crawford, the husband of renowned author Verity Crawford, commissions Lowen to finalize the remaining installments of a lucrative series, a task his incapacitated spouse can no longer fulfill.
Upon entering the Crawford residence, Lowen anticipates delving into years of Verity’s notes and outlines, with the aspiration of procuring sufficient content to initiate her work. However, what transpires within the tumultuous study is beyond Lowen’s expectations. She inadvertently stumbles upon an unfinished autobiography that Verity had never intended to share with the world. The manuscript is laden with bone-chilling confessions, including Verity’s candid recollection of the true events surrounding the demise of her daughter.
Faced with an ethical dilemma, Lowen opts to safeguard the manuscript from Jeremy, recognizing that its contents would shatter the grieving husband further. Yet, as her feelings for Jeremy burgeon, she contemplates the potential advantages if he were to encounter his wife’s unfiltered words. Despite Jeremy’s unwavering devotion to his ailing spouse, the revelation of such a harrowing truth could irrevocably alter the dynamics of their relationship.