I have a strong aversion to Alastor Shaw.
The city of San Francisco perceives us as competing artists, but the reality is that we are predators vying for territory.
Our interests had never intersected, until the fateful night we both encountered Mara Eldritch.
Shaw intends to manipulate her as a pawn in his sinister game.
As for me, my fixation on her arises from a different source…
She awakens emotions within me that I never thought possible and ignites desires I never imagined.
Only she has the power to unravel my self-control.
I’m torn between whether I should protect her at any cost or obliterate her before she brings about my downfall.
Mara is aware that I’m far from being a saint, but she remains oblivious to the fact that she’s entwined with someone utterly malevolent…”