
The little book of common sense investing (Hardcover) – John C. Bogle


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“Few investment managers indeed display notable skill – yet, in the short term, distinguishing whether an impressive track record arises from luck or true talent proves complex. The majority of advisors, however, excel more at generating exorbitant fees than they do at yielding substantial returns. In reality, their foremost expertise resides in the art of salesmanship. Rather than succumb to their enticing pitches, both small and large investors should instead engage with the wisdom imparted by Jack Bogle in “The Little Book of Common Sense Investing.” – Warren Buffett, Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, 2014 Annual Shareholder Letter.

At its core, investing revolves around basic logic. Holding a diversified stock portfolio and maintaining it over the long haul equates to a winning endeavor. The endeavor to outperform the stock market essentially rests on a zero-sum premise (for every victor, an equivalent loser), yet once the considerable investment costs are accounted for, it transforms into a game for the defeated. Historical evidence corroborates that the most straightforward and efficient investment approach involves acquiring and retaining ownership in all publicly traded national businesses at a notably low expense. The quintessential index fund, which encompasses this market-wide portfolio, stands alone as the sole investment guaranteeing its holders their equitable portion of stock market returns.

For comprehending the nuances of index investing, a more fitting guide than John C. Bogle, the revered veteran of the mutual fund industry, is hard to find. Throughout his extensive career, Bogle, the creator of the world’s first index mutual fund and founder of Vanguard Group, has predominantly relied on index investing to guide Vanguard’s clients toward significant financial growth. Now, through “The Little Book of Common Sense Investing,” he aspires to extend the same guidance to you.

Brimming with profound insights and actionable guidance, “The Little Book of Common Sense Investing” instructs you on how to seamlessly integrate this proven investment methodology into your portfolio. This book also promises to reshape your investment perspective. Effective investing isn’t effortless; it mandates discipline and patience. Nonetheless, its principles are uncomplicated, rooted in common sense.

As you delve into the pages of “The Little Book of Common Sense Investing,” you’ll uncover the methodology that transforms investing into a winning endeavor. Additionally, the book contains warnings about fleeting investment trends and vogues, including the recent rush into exchange-traded funds and the proliferation of gimmicky indexing. The genuine formula for investment triumph entails possessing the entire market while drastically minimizing the financial intermediation costs – this defines index investing, and this is the essence of this book.”

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 25 × 15 × 3 cm

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