“Tessa Bailey presents a captivating romantic comedy, drawing inspiration from the beloved show ‘Schitt’s Creek.’ In this USA Today bestseller, we follow the journey of a Hollywood ‘It Girl’ who faces an unexpected twist of fate. After being cut off from her affluent family, she finds herself exiled to a quaint Pacific Northwest beach town. Here, she crosses paths with a surly yet alluring local who believes she doesn’t belong in their world.
Piper Bellinger, known for her fashion-forward lifestyle and influential presence, lives in the constant glare of the paparazzi due to her wild reputation. However, her life takes a drastic turn when a reckless rooftop party lands her in trouble, prompting her stepfather to take action. Fed up with her antics, he severs her financial support and sends Piper, along with her sister, to manage their late father’s dive bar in a small town in Washington.
The adjustment to Westport is anything but smooth for Piper, who encounters Brendan, a rugged and bearded sea captain, right from the start. Brendan is convinced she won’t last long outside the comforts of Beverly Hills. Undeterred, Piper is determined to prove her worth beyond her glamorous facade, despite her aversion to math and her discomfort with modest living arrangements.
As Piper navigates the tight-knit community, she can’t seem to avoid crossing paths with Brendan. Though they seem like complete opposites, an undeniable attraction grows between the fun-loving socialite and the gruff fisherman. Piper is wary of any distractions, especially feelings for a man who frequently sails away for weeks at a time. However, as she reconnects with her past and finds a sense of belonging in Westport, she starts questioning the allure of her former cold and glamorous life in Los Angeles.
Amidst the clash of personalities and the pull of her old world, Piper’s heart becomes entangled in the charm of this small town and the memories it holds. Will she choose the beckoning call of LA, or has Brendan and the warmth of Westport already captured her heart?”