
Empire of Sin by Rina Kent



“My employer. My transgression.

I’m not accustomed to engaging in one-night liaisons.
It wasn’t part of the plan, understand?
A few drinks and an irresistible British accent later, and I find myself entangled with a stranger in bed.
Naturally, I departed first thing in the morning, as any responsible individual would.
A responsible individual with a new job essential for safeguarding my clandestine double life.
Little did I realize, responsibility wasn’t exactly my forte.
Because the stranger I left behind in bed? Turns out, he’s not a stranger after all.
He’s my newly appointed boss.
Knox Van Doren may sport a captivating smile, but beneath it lies the heart of a true antagonist.
And like any good villain, he’ll exploit my indiscretion to his advantage…”

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 25 × 15 × 5 cm

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