
Atomic Habits by James Clear


  • Publisher: Avery; Illustrated edition (October 16, 2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0735211299
  • ISBN-13: 978-0735211292
  • Item Weight: 1.18 pounds
  • Dimensions : 6.23 x 0.99 x 9.27 inches
  • Condition: Ne
SKU: 7102 Categories: , , ,
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In “Atomic Habits” authored by James Clear, the exploration of habit formation’s scientific underpinnings is coupled with practical strategies for nurturing positive life changes. The book’s central premise revolves around the concept that even minor, persistent adjustments, referred to as “atomic habits,” possess the potential to yield substantial transformations over the long term. The book underscores the following key elements:

1. The aggregation of minor enhancements yields formidable habits that mold your sense of self.
2. Habits are steered by a cue-craving-response-reward loop; comprehending this loop facilitates effective habit alteration.
3. Habit modification involves re calibrating cues, instigating positive cravings, orchestrating responses, and guaranteeing gratifying rewards.
4. Fasten new habits onto existing ones through habit stacking to simplify their integration.
5. The “2-Minute Rule” proposes commencing habits requiring two minutes or less to initiate.
6. Shifting focus from goal attainment to embodying a fresh identity rooted in desired habits.
7. The initial stages often manifest gradual progress, but unwavering consistency leads to significant breakthroughs.
8. The environment wields influence over habits; optimizing it supports sought-after behaviors.
9. Habit tracking fosters accountability and constructive reinforcement.
10. Negative habits can be dismantled by recognizing cues, cravings, responses, and rewards, subsequently substituting them with healthier alternatives.
11. Surrounding oneself with kindred spirits can yield a positive impact on one’s habits.
12. The pursuit of self-improvement is a continuous journey; adapt habits as circumstances and aspirations evolve.

“Atomic Habits” imparts actionable insights into the formation of habits and personal growth, spotlighting the latent potential of modest adjustments to catalyze substantial enhancements in one’s life journey.

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 25 × 15 × 3.75 cm
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