A meticulously crafted thriller unfolds, centering on a withdrawn former movie star and her illustrious companions whose spontaneous jaunt to a secluded Greek island takes a dark turn with a homicide. Penned by the bestselling author of The Silent Patient, this narrative ventures beyond mere murder—it delves into the intricacies of love.
Lana Farrar, once a luminous figure on the silver screen and now a recluse, annually beckons her closest circle to escape the dreariness of English weather and embrace Easter on her serene private Greek haven.
I share this preamble to dispel any presumption of familiarity with the tale. Perhaps you recall the media frenzy it ignited—the headlines ablaze with scandal. A private island, windswept and isolated, became the backdrop for intrigue and ultimately, tragedy.
Trapped overnight, hidden animosities among old friends surface, fueling desires for vengeance. What ensued was a cerebral duel, a maze of twists and turns culminating in an unforgettable climax. Darkness descended upon the night, marked by violence and a life extinguished—a murder.
But who speaks these words?
I am Elliot Chase, and I’m about to spin a yarn unlike any other you’ve encountered.